You’re there When Your Community Needs You

You’re There When Your Community Needs You

OCHIN is offering a unique opportunity to help enhance the health and prosperity of your community

Your organization plays a vital role in your community, providing a connection point and needed services and resources to enrich the lives of community members.

At OCHIN, we believe that partnerships with like-minded, mission-driven organizations can amplify our collective impact and make us all stronger, together. 

Please use the resources in this toolkit to promote these opportunities within your community—through your website, social media channels, and direct outreach to community members you think would benefit from these training programs. We encourage you to customize these materials as you see fit to match your organization’s voice and tone for greatest impact.



This opportunity is available to learners in Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, and Wisconsin interested in training to become a community health worker or data and clinical quality analyst.




This opportunity is available to learners in California interested in entering the fields of medical billing and coding, health information management, or electronic health record analysis.



This opportunity is available to learners in Oregon interested in training to become a community health worker.

The Workforce of the Future
Depends on the Opportunity We Create Today

OCHIN works with community partners to identify tomorrow’s health care workers by recruiting students in communities where the need for quality care is great and the means or access to formal education and training may be limited. We are offering grant-funded training programs at no cost to learners and jobseekers in your community and would welcome the opportunity to partner with you to promote these programs among your constituents. 

Have Questions? We can help!

Please contact us at if you have questions or would like to coordinate promotional activities. And we’re always looking for compelling impact stories. 

If these programs make a difference for a member of your community, we’d love to hear about it. Email us at to share stories about impact on your community.